Our dog Bandi, short for Bandita, will return from the Anom Vet Clinic today via their pet ambulance. Dr. Anom reported this morning that she didn't vomit any and was eating this morning. They're keeping her till this afternoon under observation but so far it looks like she's okay. Last night we rode in the pet ambulance to the clinic. Bandi had been sick for a couple of days and couldn't keep food down. After a couple of visits to our place to treat Bandi, our vet advised the clinic. A woman out front was making offerings. She was dressed for it too, like she would to go to a temple. Then she went inside and through a plate glass window we could see her put on surgical gloves and join two others who were working with a small dog on a treatment table. After Katrinka showed Bandi's vaccination card and filed out a form, Dr. Anom came out and invited us into another room where she went on another treatment table. She didn't object. She was getting nice attention from a young fellow who kept her in place while the doctor checked her with a stethoscope and then her temperature with a rectal thermometer which doubled as a stool sample collector. He said she's a little hot, went out of the room and came back in a few minutes with a stool sample report. There was some blood. He took her to the X-ray room, came back with her, and brought up her X-rays on a wide screen. Couldn't see any blockage. Told us stuff I forget. That's true after everything he did. I just remember the highlights. He took blood and five minutes later explained the results. Said he had more blood that, with our permission, he'd use to check her liver. His report on that was that she'd eaten some poison. He advised putting her on an IV for the night and seeing how she is the next day. We were driven home in a pet ambulance. So she's coming back in a couple of hours and apparently is recovering quickly. A lot of dogs here die from poison, accidental and from poison that's thrown out on the streets and beach. A couple down the street lost their pet Beagle when it ate something on the sidewalk walking near here. We know a few people who lost a dog to poisoning. Our vet says she's lost four of her own over the years. It's not clear who does this or why. You really have to watch your dog here when out.
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