Saturday, December 18, 2021

Lagu Lagu

Lagu Lagu is one of the six songs on my newly released Album, Baliyuga on the Way to Venus. In the possible event that someone may wish to know what the title of this song, and some other foreign words in the song mean, herein before a link to the song on YouTube, we will enlighten you.

Indonesian  -- English

Lagu lagu -- songs - plurals in Indonesian are made by doubling the word when it's not obvious

Gamelan -- Indonesian traditional orchestra

Nyoman -- our bemo driver and helper since July, 2014

bemo -- VW Bus like vehicle with open side that functions like a bus on short routs

bule -- white people (not pejorative)

cewek -- female

cowok -- male, can be tomboy the way it's used: "cowok hon" [c is pronounced as ch in English]

kain poleng - black and white checkered sacred cloth

Lagu Lagu on YouTube

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