Saturday, July 24, 2021

Bali Covid report

Jackie Pomeroy reports on Facebook daily on Bali Covid 19 and today she reported that 69% of people in Bali have received at least one shot. Most of them are Sinovac but some, like us and others in Sanur, got AstraZeneca. And they'll keep going trying to get more. You won't have the high rate of anti-vaxers here as you do in the US so this is promising. At present though, another report today from a friend in the health care community, says there are critical cases waiting in line to get into Covid hospitals. They're full. She begs us all to stay in and disses the Sinovac as being ineffective. I've looked into Sinovac and what I see from established sources (I avoid all alt news outlets) is that it's way better than not getting vaccinated and protects almost everyone whose had it from serious illness or death. One study said it kept 50% from having any symptoms. Anyway, with all the vaccinated and all the people who've had it here I would think that we're headed toward better times. But we should get boosters, preferably Pfizer or Monderna. A Pfizer booster has shown to bring the AstraZeneca almost to Pfizer levels of protection. We could all use that. Even a Chinese study showed that. A leak revealed that the Thai government has tried to stop front line medical workers there from getting a Pfizer booster because they felt it would diminish public confidence in Sincvac and Sinofarm. Last comment - I wish they'd not close outdoor places in lockdown. I think that would work better and maybe there would be less clandestine meeting indoors.

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