Shortest day of the year here today, the exact minute of the solstice being 11:54pm.
Sunrise at 6:31. Sunset at 6:10pm.
The longest day of the year next December will be one hour and one minute longer. 8.3 lattitude.
When you get really close to the equator like Singapore at 1.3 it's only about 8 minutes difference.
That's from the beach near us - Pantai Mertasari
Sunrise at 6:31. Sunset at 6:10pm.
The longest day of the year next December will be one hour and one minute longer. 8.3 lattitude.
When you get really close to the equator like Singapore at 1.3 it's only about 8 minutes difference.
That's from the beach near us - Pantai Mertasari
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