Thursday, October 25, 2018

While on a Voyage

Had to go to Ubud for a poetry event Thursday and Friday nights at the annual writer's conference. Katrinka had a luncheon near there already with BIWA, Bali International Women's Association so I got a seat on the bus and a nice Buffet at Koko Bambu. Nice place. Some Kardashians were staying here recently and opted for Ithe helicopter tour of the island. It's after lunch and I'm going over tonight's poem which is a preliminary event for tomorrow night's poetry slam as it's called. It's a sort of demonstration slam for the winners of other poetry slams. By some fluke I won one a few months ago that I'd only attended to listen and enjoy an eve out alone while Katrinka was in America. I'm doing a different poem tonight from the one for the competitive event tomorrow. (Poetry competition? How did I get into this?)

Here's the poem for tonight. I wrote it in high school for schoolwork when asked to give an example of Alliteration. Following it is a translation I worked out with help from online and two drivers.

While on a Voyage (pronounce the W in while like V - like lots of people around the world do)

The whistling wind whittles wonderfully well
In the niche of a nautical night
As it silkenly sings above soft sullen swells
And frees from fat fetters the fettled fore flight
And I am the thrall that it thrusts thenly through
As I lay alone looking lovingly lo
Quite as quickly as covered the calm can it crew
And gallantly gather it's gailing and go

Sedangkan pada Pelayaran

Angin bersiul mengukir dengan sangat baik
Di relung malam bahari
Nyani nyani selembut sutra
Di atas gelombang membengkak lembut dan muram
Dan membebaskan dari belenggu
Yang tebal yang sudah menahan sebelum terbang
Dan aku budak yang mendorong melalui diriku
Saat aku berbaring sendiri, lihatlah aku dengan kasih sayang
Secepat dia membungkus ketenangan bisa dia berkokok

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