Saturday, April 30, 2022

Mourning Cat

 Katrinka had a a large hairy dog for years named Lady Jane. Katrinka's once feral cat, Frida, and Lady Jane had an interesting relationship. Frida was constantly catching rodents, mice, rats, almost anything, cleaning and eating them. Frequently Lady Jane would come and eat the parts Frida had removed or left behind. There were a couple of glands she'd pull out and often left heads and other body parts. Sometimes Lady Jane would come up to dining Frida and let out a deep woof! Frida would run off and Lady Jane would finish the feast. More and more it seemed to me that Frida would bring her catch near Lady Jane to eat as if tempting her to intervene. Another social dining habit she had was to eat in front of Katrinka and me. Lady Jane got old and died. Frida sat by Lady Jane's body and watched as son Clay buried her in the front yard. Frida stayed by Lady Jane's grave for a few days.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Doomer News

Just saw the documentary Living in a Time of Dying. I liked it. Long on feeling, short on data. Just a few people's opinions. I tend to think that way too. Loved the Lakota elder - I think I heard Lakota. Some good advice like face facts and listen..

--- thanks Sue Stack

Thursday, April 21, 2022

It's RA Kartini day in Indonesia!

Raden Adjeng Kartini
, mother of Indonesian women's rights

It's her day today.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Fun Hemisphere Fact


Thanks Joanna Bull for mentioning this. It never occurred to me. - DC